Sunday, February 27, 2011

Frugal livin'- FAVORITE sale of the year! Publix Italian Sale!!!!

Ok the Publix Italian Sale is my favorite of the year, I get all my pasta, beans, canned veggies and tomatoes, etc for the the year!!!  Oh you heard me right the year!!!!!  I also get my normal items as well but this sales usually has $5 off $30 coupons that go out to promote it as well as GREAT store coupons to match with manufacture coupons!  All of which I match up using  Below are the final numbers for the 2 trips over two weeks....BTW I only went this many times because my father wanted to try some shopping as well as an extra trip due to a lovely friend gifting me an extra $5 off $30 coupon!!!!  In addition to my normal purchases and the sale purchases I did have to buy dessert for a dinner party that I chose to splurge on as I had a sick child and it was easier than trying to bake something, NOW I also figured no one would want to eat something just made in a house with a sickness, so it was part good judgement part exhaustion!  hahaha

$504.97 in groceries
$376.19 in savings
= $128.78 spent over two weeks SO $64.39 per week!

Here is what I got:
32 cans of Progresso Beans (Black, Cannellini, and Chi-Chi)
27 cans of Hunts and Muir Glen Tomatoes
28 boxs of Pasta (all kinds)
60 cans of Green Giant Vegetables (Green beans, Peas, Corn...)
8 loafs Pillsbury Italian bread
4 Green Giant Frozen veggies
2 V8 Fusion 100% juice
3 Motts apple sauce
7 packages of Cookies (Oreo and Pepperidge Farm for me hahaha)
1 pack Boars head Hot dogs
5 one pound packages of FRESH veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots)
1 dozen eggs
2 Kraft Parm grated cheese
2 lunchables
4 three pound bags of Gala Apples
1 carton Blueberries
1 carton Strawberries
1 bag grapes
8 Boxes cereal (Pops, Fruit Loops, Frosted Flakes, Apple Jacks)
3 gallons Skim Milk
6 boxes Poptarts
2 Freschetta Pizzas
8 two liter Sodas (Pepsi max and Sprite)
5 bags Doritos
2 Loafs sandwich bread
1 Bagels
2 Microwave Popcorn (boxes of 6 Kettle and butter)
2 Salsa
2 Margarine tubs LARGE
1 large pack of Cream puffs (for Dinner Party)
1 Large pack of mini eclairs (for Dinner Party)

WOWzer, love me some coupons!!!!!

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